Liv Boeree

Some Girls have it All – The Look and Science

PokerStar Liv Boeree grew up on a farm in Kent in the UK. She was born in 1984, and studied physics with astrophysics at the University of Manchester. She was introduced to poker when she took part in the reality TV show " Showdown" in 2005. Her coaches during the show were Phil Helmuth, Annie Duke and the Devilfish.Since then, she started studying the game, and played at various tournaments around the world. She has won over $2,000,000 in live tournaments to date, and won the European Ladies Championship in 2008, and the European Poker Tour San Remo in 2010. Under her supervision, the UK team scored 2nd at the 2011 PokerStars World CUp of Poker VII.

But that's not all: Liv is also a TV presenter, and is an accomplished rock guitarist. Did we mention she is also gorgeous and is featured in many Maxim's? Want proof?