Poker Babes

Poker is a men's world, right? Well, not quite. Although it is safe to say that the majority of successful poker players are men, more and more female players are winning their way to final tables in major tournaments. 

Tais-toi et soit belle

This French saying, which can be loosely translated as "You just be quiet and look beautiful" certainly does not apply to the ladies that are ending up at the major poker tables. Just read through their biographies, and you will see that most are highly educated as well as gorgeous. And you will find them not just at the major tournaments, you will also meet them at online poker tables. Come to think of it – that's probably where you'll want to meet them: at the other tables you might easily lose because you are distracted by their beauty!

So, have a look at our section on poker babes – you will not regret you did!